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ramsey-lewisIl leggendario pianista e compositore jazz Ramsey Lewis è nato a Chicago nel 1937, in oltre cinque decenni di carriera, ha registrato circa 80 album, ha ricevuto sette dischi d'oro e guadagnato tre Grammy Awards in una carriera nella quale ha prodotto clamorosi successi come "The ‘In’ Crowd," "Hang On Sloopy" e "Wade In The Water",  collaborò in diverse occasioni anche con gli Earth, Wind & Fire. Deve la sua fama leggendaria alla sua abilità di interpretare brani gospel con

un tocco jazz particolarmente raffinato ed accurato. Dopo un periodo di transizione con incursioni dentro e fuori la fusion e lo smooth jazz, Lewis in questi ultimi anni ha ricevuto l'incarico di comporre un balletto jazz, ha contribuito a fondare un programma di jazz mentoring e scritto diversi brani per ensemble d'archi e orchestra.



1956 - Ramsey Lewis And His Gentle-men Of Swing
1956 - Ramsey Lewis And His Gentle-men Of Jazz
1958 - Lem Winchester And The Ramsey Lewis Trio
1959 - Down To Earth
1959 - An Hour with The Ramsey Lewis Trio
1960 - Stretching Out
1960 - The Ramsey Lewis Trio In Chicago
1961 - More Music From The Soil
1961 - Never On Sunday
1961 - Sound Of Christmas
1962 - The Sound Of Spring
1962 - Country Meets The Blues
1962 - Bossa Nova
1963 - Pot Luck
1963 - Barefoot Sunday Blues
1964 - Bach To The Blues
1964 - The Ramsey Lewis Trio At The Bohemian Caverns
1964 - More Sounds Of Christmas
1964 - You Better Believe Me
1965 - The In Crowd
1965 - Hang On Ramsey!
1965 - The Groover
1966 - Wade In The Water
1966 - The Movie Album
1966 - Goin' Latin
1967 - Dancing In The Street
1967 - Up Pops Ramsey Lewis
1968 - Maiden Voyage
1968 - Mother Nature's Son
1968 - Ramsey Lewis Live In Tokyo
1969 - Another Voyage
1969 - The Piano Player
1970 - Them Changes
1971 - Back To The Roots
1974 - Solid Ivory
1972 - Upendo Ni Pamoja
1973 - Funky Serenity
1973 - Ramsey Lewis' Newly Recorded All-Time Non-Stop Golden Hits
1974 - Solar Wind
1974 - Sun Goddess
1975 - Don't It Feel Good
1976 - Salongo Columbia
1977 - Love Notes
1977 - Tequila Mockingbird
1978 - Legacy
1979 - Ramsey
1980 - Routes
1981 - Blues For The Night Owl
1981 - Three Piece Suite
1982 - Ramsey Lewis Live At The Savoy
1982 - Chance Encounter
1983 - Les Fleurs
1983 - Reunion
1984 - The Two Of Us (with Nancy Wilson)
1985 - Fantasy
1987 - Keys To The City
1988 - Classic Encounter
1989 - We Meet Again (with Billy Taylor)
1989 - Urban Renewal
1992 - Ivory Pyramid
1993 - Sky Islands
1994 - Urban Knights I
1996 - Between The Keys
1997 - Urban Knights II
1998 - Dance Of The Soul
1999 - Appassionata
2000 - Urban Knights III
2001 - Urban Knights IV
2002 - Meant Yo Be (with Nancy Wilson)
2003 - Urban Knights V
2003 - Simple Pleasures (with Nancy Wilson)
2004 - Time Flies
2005 - Urban Knights VI
2005 - With One Voice
2009 - Songs From The Heart: Ramsey Plays Ramsey
2011 - Taking Another Look